Whether you choose to write music first or start with the lyrics, please remember one thing: The melody is always king!
Why? Because it's the melody that our brains latch onto first. A melody on it's own can make you cry, laugh and everything in between. It truly can be a direct communication to the soul. An interesting mood-evoking melody commands our attention. It makes us sit up and take notice. Only then do we start to pay attention to the storyline. To the lyrics. And if those lyrics are top-notch: Bingo! You've hit the jackpot.
You write music that is truly inspiring. You then settle for the first lyrics that pop into your head. You don't bother rewriting those lyrics. You figure that since they fit the melody and tell the story they are good enough. I did this for years! And I was always secretly embarrassed by my lyrics. As songwriters, we must strive for that perfect balance. And it takes time and effort to master. (I'm still working on completing my apprenticeship!)
Most of us are better at one aspect of songwriting than we are at others. For me, it's always been writing melody that seems to come naturally. As a lead guitarist I usually opted for the slow, melodic, soulful lead over the fast shred. Through the years I've written quite a few instrumentals that I am proud of. Lyrics have always been a struggle for me. That's why I tend to spend a lot more time working on the words to my new songs than I do the melody. But I spend quite a bit of time on writing melody too! Because I understand how important a great melody is.
A melody should be able to stand on it's own. It should be moving, interesting, somewhat predictable and a little surprising at the same time. I say somewhat predictable because we need familiarity. If every line goes off in a completely different direction you will lose most listeners. People must have something that they can grasp onto immediately. Especially in the chorus. So go and write music that moves you. If you do this, you can be sure that it will move others too. Happy melody writing! |
Richie Gilbert has been passionate about writing songs for many years. He spends too much time in his home recording studio, and is active in pitching his songs to music publishers. To learn more about the craft and business of songwriting, please visit his website at http://www.inspired-songwriting-tips.com Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com |